Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:Grid/Doku erstellt werden
local p = {} -- Individual cell function p.cell( f ) local args = f.args or f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() and args[1] == nil then args = f:getParent().args end args[1] = mw.text.trim( args[1] or '' ) if not args.noalias then -- Comment this next line out if you're not using aliases local aliases = mw.loadData( 'Module:Grid/Aliases' ) local modAliases = args.modaliases or '' if modAliases ~= '' then modAliases = mw.loadData( 'Module:' .. modAliases ) else modAliases = nil end if aliases or modAliases then local frames = {} for frame in mw.text.gsplit( args[1], '%s*;%s*' ) do local frameParts = p.getParts( frame, args.mod ) local id = if frameParts.mod then id = frameParts.mod .. ':' .. id end local alias if modAliases and modAliases[id] then alias = modAliases[id] elseif aliases and aliases[id] then alias = aliases[id] end if alias then table.insert( frames, p.expandAlias( frameParts, alias ) ) else table.insert( frames, frame ) end end args[1] = table.concat( frames, ';' ) end end local animated = args[1]:find( ';' ) local pageName = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText local class = args.class or '' local imgClass = args.imgclass or '' local style = or '' local align = args.align or '' local numStyle = args.numstyle or '' local cell = {} for frame in mw.text.gsplit( args[1], '%s*;%s*' ) do if frame == '' then if animated then table.insert( cell, '<span class="item"><br></span>' ) else table.insert( cell, '<br>' ) end else local parts = p.getParts( frame, args.mod ) local tooltipTitle = parts.title local mod = parts.mod local name = local num = parts.num local tooltipDesc = parts.text local img if mod then img = name .. ' (' .. mod .. ')' else img = name end local link = or '' if link == '' then if name == pageName then link = 'none' elseif mod then link = 'Mods/' .. mod .. '/' .. name else link = name end end local title = args.title or '' if title == '' then if tooltipTitle then title = tooltipTitle:gsub( '&[0-9a-fk-or]', '' ) end if mw.text.trim( title ) == '' or link:lower() == 'none' or link ~= name:gsub( '%s%(.*', '' ) then title = name end end if not tooltipTitle and title:lower() == 'none' then tooltipTitle = 0 end local alt = img if title:lower() ~= 'none' then alt = title end if link:lower() == 'none' then link = '' end if title:lower() == 'none' then title = '' end local tooltip = '' if tooltipTitle then tooltip = ' data-minetip-title="' .. tooltipTitle .. '"' end if tooltipDesc then tooltip = tooltip .. ' data-minetip-text="' .. tooltipDesc .. '"' end local image = { '<span class="item ' .. imgClass .. '" title="' .. title .. '"' .. tooltip .. '>', '[[File:Grid ' .. img .. '.png|32x32px|link=' .. link .. '|alt=' .. alt .. ']]', '</span>', } image[1] = image[1]:gsub( ' title=""', '' ) image[2] = image[2]:gsub( '||', '|' ) if num and num > 1 and num < 1000 then if link ~= '' then num = '[[' .. link .. '|' .. num .. ']]' end if numStyle ~= '' then numStyle = ' style="' .. numStyle .. '"' end table.insert( image, 3, '<span class="number"' .. numStyle .. '>' .. num .. '</span>' ) end table.insert( cell, table.concat( image, '' ) ) end end if animated then cell[1] = cell[1]:gsub( 'class="item', 'class="item active' ) class = 'animated ' .. class end local styles = {} if align ~= '' then table.insert( styles, 'vertical-align:' .. align ) end if style ~= '' then table.insert( styles, style ) end if #styles > 0 then styles = ' style="' .. table.concat( styles, ';' ) .. '"' else styles = '' end local html = { '<span class="grid ' .. class .. '"' .. styles .. '>', table.concat( cell, '' ), '</span>' } if ( args.default or '' ) ~= '' then local defaultClass = '' if animated then defaultClass = ' skip' end table.insert( html, 2, '<span class="default-item' .. defaultClass .. '">[[File:Grid ' .. args.default .. '.png|32x32px|alt=|link=]]</span>' ) end html = table.concat( html, '' ):gsub( ' "', '"' ) return html end function p.expandAlias( frameParts, alias ) -- If the frame has no parts, we can just return the alias as-is if not frameParts.title and not frameParts.mod and not frameParts.num and not frameParts.text then return alias end local expandedFrames = {} for aliasFrame in mw.text.gsplit( alias, '%s*;%s*' ) do local aliasParts = p.getParts( aliasFrame ) aliasParts.title = frameParts.title or aliasParts.title or '' aliasParts.mod = frameParts.mod or aliasParts.mod or 'Minecraft' aliasParts.num = frameParts.num or aliasParts.num or '' aliasParts.text = frameParts.text or aliasParts.text or '' table.insert( expandedFrames, string.format( '[%s]%s:%s,%s[%s]', aliasParts.title, aliasParts.mod,, aliasParts.num, aliasParts.text ) ) end return table.concat( expandedFrames, ';' ) end function p.getParts( frame, mod ) local parts = {} parts.title = frame:match( '^%[%s*([^%]]+)%s*%]' ) parts.mod = mw.text.trim( frame:match( '([^:%]]+):' ) or mod or '' ) local vanilla = { v = 1, vanilla = 1, mc = 1, minecraft = 1 } if parts.mod == '' or vanilla[mw.ustring.lower( parts.mod )] then parts.mod = nil end local nameStart = ( frame:find( ':' ) or frame:find( '%]' ) or 0 ) + 1 if nameStart - 1 == #frame then nameStart = 1 end = mw.text.trim( frame:sub( nameStart, ( frame:find( '[,%[]', nameStart ) or 0 ) - 1 ) ) parts.num = math.floor( frame:match( ',%s*(%d+)' ) or 0 ) if parts.num == 0 then parts.num = nil end parts.text = frame:match( '%[%s*([^%]]+)%s*%]$' ) return parts end --- GUI variants; called directly to avoid the overhead of a bunch of #invoke calls per GUI -- Crafting table function p.craftingTable( f ) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = f:getParent().args end local arrow = 'Arrow (small)' local shapeless = '' if args.arrow or '' ~= '' then arrow = args.arrow .. ' (' .. args.Mod .. ')' end if args.shapeless or '' ~= '' then shapeless = '<span title="This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.">[[File:Grid layout Shapeless.png|link=]]</span>' elseif args.fixed or '' ~= '' then local notFixed = '' if args.notfixed or '' ~= '' then notFixed = '; except for ' .. args.notfixed .. ', which can go anywhere' end shapeless = '<span title="This recipe is fixed, the input arrangement may not be moved or mirrored' .. notFixed .. '.">[[File:Grid layout Fixed.png|link=]]</span>' end local html = { '{| class="grid-Crafting_Table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"', '| ' .. p.cell{ args.A1, mod = args.Mod, link = args.A1link, title = args.A1title }, '| ' .. p.cell{ args.B1, mod = args.Mod, link = args.B1link, title = args.B1title }, '| ' .. p.cell{ args.C1, mod = args.Mod, link = args.C1link, title = args.C1title }, '| rowspan="2" class="arrow" | [[File:Grid layout ' .. arrow .. '.png|link=]]', '| rowspan="3" | ' .. p.cell{ args.Output, mod = args.Mod, link = args.Olink, title = args.Otitle, class = 'output' }, '|-', '| ' .. p.cell{ args.A2, mod = args.Mod, link = args.A2link, title = args.A2title }, '| ' .. p.cell{ args.B2, mod = args.Mod, link = args.B2link, title = args.B2title }, '| ' .. p.cell{ args.C2, mod = args.Mod, link = args.C2link, title = args.C2title }, '|-', '| ' .. p.cell{ args.A3, mod = args.Mod, link = args.A3link, title = args.A3title }, '| ' .. p.cell{ args.B3, mod = args.Mod, link = args.B3link, title = args.B3title }, '| ' .. p.cell{ args.C3, mod = args.Mod, link = args.C3link, title = args.C3title }, '| class="shapeless" | ' .. shapeless, '|}' } return table.concat( html, '\n' ); end -- Furnace function p.furnace( f ) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = f:getParent().args end args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).norm( args ) local progress = 'Furnace Progress' local burning = ' (in-active)' local smelting = burning local fuelUsage = 'Fire' if args.Progress then progress = args.Progress .. ' Progress' if args.Mod then progress = progress .. ' (' .. args.Mod .. ')' end end if args.Input and args.Fuel then burning = '' if args.Output then smelting = '' end end if args.FuelUsage then fuelUsage = args.FuelUsage if args.Mod then fuelUsage = fuelUsage .. ' (' .. args.Mod .. ')' end end local html = { '{| class="grid-Furnace" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"', '| ' .. p.cell{ args.Input, mod = args.Mod, link = args.Ilink, title = args.Ititle }, '| rowspan="3" class="arrow" | [[File:Grid layout ' .. progress .. smelting .. '.png|link=]]', '| rowspan="3" class="output" | ' .. p.cell{ args.Output, mod = args.Mod, link = args.Olink, title = args.Otitle, class = 'output' }, '|-', '| [[File:Grid layout ' .. fuelUsage .. burning .. '.png|link=]]', '|-', '| ' .. p.cell{ args.Fuel, mod = args.Mod, link = args.Flink, title = args.Ftitle }, '|}' } return table.concat( html, '\n' ); end -- Brewing Stand function p.brewingStand( f ) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = f:getParent().args end args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).norm( args ) local inactive = ' (In-active)' if args.Input and ( args.Output1 or args.Output2 or args.Output3 ) then inactive = '' end local html = { '<div class="grid-Brewing_Stand">', '{| cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"', '| class="bubbles" | [[File:Grid layout Brewing Bubbles.gif|link=]]', '| class="input" | ' .. p.cell{ args.Input, mod = args.Mod, link = args.Ilink, title = args.Ititle }, '| [[File:Grid layout Brewing Arrow' .. inactive .. '.png|link=]]', '|-', '| class="output1" | ' .. p.cell{ args.Output1, mod = args.Mod, link = args.O1link, title = args.O1title, default = 'layout Brewing Empty' }, '| class="output2" | ' .. p.cell{ args.Output2, mod = args.Mod, link = args.O2link, title = args.O2title, default = 'layout Brewing Empty' }, '| class="output3" | ' .. p.cell{ args.Output3, mod = args.Mod, link = args.O3link, title = args.O3title, default = 'layout Brewing Empty' }, '|-', '| class="paths" colspan="3" | [[File:Grid layout Brewing Paths.png|link=]]', '|}', '</div>' } return table.concat( html, '\n' ); end -- Metallurgic Infuser function p.metallurgicInfuser( f ) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = f:getParent().args end args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).norm( args ) local inactive = ' (In-active)' if args.Infuse and args.Input then inactive = '' end local infuseBar = 'Empty' if args.InfuseBar then infuseBar = args.InfuseBar end local html = { '<div class="grid-Metallurgic_Infuser">', '{| cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"', '| class="infuse_bar" | [[File:Grid layout Infuse ' .. infuseBar .. ' Bar.png|link=]]', '| class="infuse" | ' .. p.cell{ args.Infuse, mod = args.Mod, link = args.Inflink, title = args.Inftitle }, '| class="input" | ' .. p.cell{ args.Input, mod = args.Mod, link = args.Inplink, title = args.Inptitle }, '| class="arrow" | [[File:Grid layout Infuse Arrow' .. inactive .. '.png|link=]]', '| class="output" | ' .. p.cell{ args.Output, mod = args.Mod, link = args.Outlink, title = args.Outtitle }, '| class="energy" | ' .. p.cell{ '', mod = args.Mod, link = 'none', title = 'Energy', default = 'layout Infuse Energy' }, '| class="energy_bar" | [[File:Grid layout Infuse Energy Bar.png|link=]]', '|}', '</div>' } return table.concat( html, '\n' ); end return p