Zur Navigation springen
Zur Suche springen
Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:Anvil/Doku erstellt werden
local p = {} function p.table( f ) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).merge() else f = mw.getCurrentFrame() end local grid = require( 'Module:Grid' ) -- Start table when appropriate local multirow = f:callParserFunction( '#dplvar', 'multirow' ) if multirow ~= '1' then multirow = nil end local head = args.head or '' if multirow then head = '' elseif head ~= '' then multirow = 1 f:callParserFunction( '#dplvar:set', 'multirow', '1' ) else head = 1 end -- End table when appropriate local foot = args.foot or '' if multirow then if foot ~= '' then multirow = nil f:callParserFunction( '#dplvar:set', 'multirow', '0' ) end else foot = 1 end local header = '' if head ~= '' then local name = '' local description = '' if args.showname == '1' or multirow and args.showname ~= '0' then name = 'Name !! ' f:callParserFunction( '#dplvar:set', 'craftingname', '1' ) end if args.showdescription == '1' then description = ' !! class="unsortable" | Description' f:callParserFunction( '#dplvar:set', 'craftingdescription', '1' ) end local class = args.class or '' local recipeClass = '' if multirow then class = 'sortable collapsible ' .. class recipeClass = 'class="unsortable collapse-button" |' end header = table.concat( { ' {| class="wikitable ' .. class .. '"', '! ' .. name .. 'Ingredients !! ' .. recipeClass .. ' [[Crafting]] recipe' .. description, '|-' }, '\n' ) end -- Name cell local nameCell if f:callParserFunction( '#dplvar', 'craftingname' ) == '1' then if or '' ~= '' then nameCell = else local names = {} local links = {} for v in mw.text.gsplit( args.Output or '', '%s*;%s*' ) do parts = grid.getParts( v, args.Mod ) parts.mod = parts.mod or '' if not names[parts.mod .. ':' ..] then local link = '' if parts.mod ~= '' then link = 'Mods/' .. parts.mod .. '/' .. .. '|' end if '^Any ' ) then table.insert( links, 'Any [[' .. link .. 4 ) .. ']]' ) else table.insert( links, '[[' .. link .. .. ']]' ) end names[parts.mod .. ':' ..] = 1 end end nameCell = table.concat( links, ' or<br>' ) end end if nameCell and args.upcoming then nameCell = nameCell .. '<br>([[' .. args.upcoming .. ']])' end -- Create ingredient list local ingredients = {} local ingredientKeys = {} local animatedIngredients = {} local animatedKeys = {} for k, v in pairs( args ) do v = mw.text.trim( v ) if v ~= '' and tostring( k ):find( '^%u?%d%d?$' ) then if v:find( ';' ) then table.insert( animatedKeys, v ) else local parts = grid.getParts( v, args.Mod ) parts.mod = parts.mod or '' local fullName = parts.mod .. ':' .. if not ingredients[fullName] then table.insert( ingredientKeys, fullName ) ingredients[fullName] = { mod = parts.mod, name = } end end end end for k, v in ipairs( animatedKeys ) do local frames = mw.text.split( v, '%s*;%s*' ) local length = #frames for k2, v2 in ipairs( frames ) do local parts = grid.getParts( v2, args.Mod ) parts.mod = parts.mod or '' local fullName = parts.mod .. ':' .. if v2 ~= '' and not ingredients[fullName] and not animatedIngredients[fullName] then table.insert( ingredientKeys, fullName ) animatedIngredients[fullName] = { mod = parts.mod, name =, final = k2 == length } end end end -- Ingredients cell local ingredientsCell if args.ingredients or '' ~= '' then ingredientsCell = args.ingredients else ingredientsCell = {} for k, v in ipairs( ingredientKeys ) do local link = '' local separator = ' +' if k == #ingredientKeys then separator = '' elseif animatedIngredients[v] and not animatedIngredients[v].final then separator = ' or' end local mod = ( ingredients[v] or animatedIngredients[v] ).mod local name = ( ingredients[v] or animatedIngredients[v] ).name if mod ~= '' then link = 'Mods/'.. mod .. '/' .. name .. '|' end if name:find( '^Any ' ) then table.insert( ingredientsCell, 'Any [[' .. link .. name:sub( 5 ) .. ']]' .. separator ) else table.insert( ingredientsCell, '[[' .. link .. name .. ']]' .. separator ) end end ingredientsCell = table.concat( ingredientsCell, '<br>\n' ) end -- Automatic shapeless positioning local newArgs = {} if args[1] then newArgs.shapeless = 1 if args[7] then newArgs.A1 = args[1] newArgs.B1 = args[2] newArgs.C1 = args[3] newArgs.A2 = args[4] newArgs.B2 = args[5] newArgs.C2 = args[6] if args[8] then -- ◼◼◼ ◼◼◼ -- ◼◼◼ OR ◼◼◼ -- ◼◼◼ ◼◼◻ newArgs.A3 = args[7] newArgs.B3 = args[8] newArgs.C3 = args[9] if args[9] then local identical = true for i = 1, 8 do if args[i] ~= args[i + 1] then identical = false end end if identical then newArgs.shapeless = nil end end else -- ◼◼◼ -- ◼◼◼ -- ◻◼◻ newArgs.B3 = args[7] end elseif args[2] then newArgs.A2 = args[1] newArgs.B2 = args[2] if args[5] then -- ◻◻◻ ◻◻◻ -- ◼◼◼ OR ◼◼◼ -- ◼◼◼ ◼◼◻ newArgs.C2 = args[3] newArgs.A3 = args[4] newArgs.B3 = args[5] newArgs.C3 = args[6] elseif args[4] then -- ◻◻◻ -- ◼◼◻ -- ◼◼◻ newArgs.A3 = args[3] newArgs.B3 = args[4] else -- ◻◻◻ ◻◻◻ -- ◼◼◻ OR ◼◼◻ -- ◻◼◻ ◻◻◻ newArgs.B3 = args[3] end else -- ◻◻◻ -- ◻◼◻ -- ◻◻◻ newArgs.B2 = args[1] newArgs.shapeless = nil end else newArgs.A1 = args.A1 newArgs.B1 = args.B1 newArgs.C1 = args.C1 newArgs.A2 = args.A2 newArgs.B2 = args.B2 newArgs.C2 = args.C2 newArgs.A3 = args.A3 newArgs.B3 = args.B3 newArgs.C3 = args.C3 newArgs.fixed = args.fixed newArgs.notfixed = args.notfixed end -- Any other args we want to pass along newArgs.Mod = args.Mod newArgs.Output = args.Output newArgs.Otitle = args.Otitle newArgs.Olink = args.Olink -- Recipe cell local recipeCell = grid.craftingTable( newArgs ) local row = { ingredientsCell, recipeCell } if nameCell then table.insert( row, 1, nameCell ) end if f:callParserFunction( '#dplvar', 'craftingdescription' ) == '1' then table.insert( row, args.description or '' ) end row = table.concat( row, '\n|\n' ) if nameCell then row = '!\n' .. row else row = '|\n' .. row end local footer = '' if foot ~= '' then footer = '|}' f:callParserFunction( '#dplvar:set', 'craftingname', '0', 'craftingdescription', '0' ) end -- Create ingredient categories for DPL local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local categories = '' if args.nocat ~= '1' and title.namespace == 0 and not title.isSubpage then categories = {} if args.upcoming then table.insert( categories, '[[Category:Upcoming]]' ) end if args.type then table.insert( categories, '[[Category:' .. args.type .. ' recipe]]' ) end if args.ignoreusage ~= '1' then for k, v in ipairs( ingredientKeys ) do v = v:sub( 2 ) if not v:find( ':' ) then if v == 'Any Dye' or v == 'Any Colored Dye' then local dyes = { 'Orange Dye', 'Magenta Dye', 'Light Blue Dye', 'Dandelion Yellow', 'Lime Dye', 'Pink Dye', 'Gray Dye', 'Light Gray Dye', 'Cyan Dye', 'Purple Dye', 'Lapis Lazuli', 'Cocoa Beans', 'Cactus Green', 'Rose Red', 'Ink Sac' } if v == 'Any Dye' then table.insert( dyes, 1, 'Bone Meal' ) end for _, dye in ipairs( dyes ) do table.insert( categories, '[[Category:Recipe using ' .. dye .. ']]' ) end else if v == 'Sticky Piston' then v = 'Piston' elseif v== 'Any Mushroom' or v == 'Red Mushroom' or v == 'Brown Mushroom' then v = 'Mushroom' elseif v == 'Red Sand' then v = 'Sand' elseif v == 'Charcoal' then v = 'Coal' elseif v:find( ' Wood$' ) then v = 'Wood' elseif v:find( ' Wood Planks$' ) then v = 'Wood Planks' elseif v:find( ' Stained Glass$' ) then v = 'Stained Glass' elseif v:find( ' Stained Glass Pane$' ) then v = 'Stained Glass Pane' elseif v:find( ' Wool$' ) then v = 'Wool' elseif v:find( 'Red Sandstone$' ) then v = 'Red Sandstone' elseif v:find( ' Sandstone$' ) then v = 'Sandstone' elseif v:find( ' Stairs$' ) then v = 'Stairs' elseif v:find( ' Slab$' ) then v = 'Slab' elseif v:find( ' Pressure Plate$' ) then v = 'Pressure Plate' elseif v:find( ' Firework Star$' ) then v = 'Firework Star' elseif v:find( ' Stone Bricks$' ) then v = 'Stone Bricks' elseif v:find( ' Quartz Block$' ) then v = 'Block of Quartz' elseif v:find( ' Andesite$' ) then v = 'Andesite' elseif v:find( ' Diorite$' ) then v = 'Diorite' elseif v:find( ' Granite$' ) then v = 'Granite' end table.insert( categories, '[[Category:Recipe using ' .. v .. ']]' ) end end end end categories = table.concat( categories, '' ) end if args.debug == '1' then return '<pre>' .. header .. '\n' .. row .. '\n|-\n' .. footer .. categories .. '</pre>' else return header .. '\n' .. row .. '\n|-\n' .. footer .. categories end end return p